Sunday, April 27, 2008

Akki is here to Rule.......

Like any typical Bollywood flick, everybody loves an outsider who makes it big. You know, the quintessential rags-to-riches hero sans a celebrated last name, who gets the hits, the babes and rakes in the moolah. In recent times, Shah Rukh Khan has famously been this and done that. Like SRK, Kumar’s success story is equally rivetting.

To say the least nobody gave Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia aka AKKI BHAI any real chance of surviving in the industry. For a long time he was just this Punjabi boy from a modest family in Delhi who had worked as a waiter in Bangkok. They sniggered about his desi accent, his hairy chest and his over reliance on his one true love: martial arts. He was famously dubbed as a Cardboard Hero. But credit to the guy’s grit that he learned on the job. For every Deedar, there was a Khiladi and for every Mr Bond there was a Yeh Dillagi.

And now finally after 17 years in showbiz, Kumar has earned himself the tag of ‘Hit Machine’ by the trade folk.
The reason simply being all his 4 movies last year, Namaste London, Bhool Bulaiya, Welcome and Hey baby were super hits.

But his supremacy does not lie in Hits and Flops, can not just be measured quantitatively.When you ask me who is your favourite actor, it would take me not more than a second to shout out Aamir Khan's name. So, its rather surprising at 1st place for a die hard aamir fan to praise akshay kumar so much. But there is something in common between both the actors which i think is an important criteria for me- Spontaniety!!!

When you see akki doing comedy you will feel that he is hardly making an effort, that his lines have not been written before, it feels as if he is really some kamina :)..You won't see him making strange faces like some Mr beans rather he lets the situation take over him rather than he taking over the situation.

Akshay, who used to wait tables to fund his karate lessons in Bangkok before lady luck led him to Bollywood, has come a long way. Known for performing daredevil stunts, Akshay's dedication is finally getting him the recognition he deserves.
With so many impressive films for past few years, AKKI has proven time and again that he is the boss of the matter whom he is working with, he is sure to pull crowds into theatre across the globe....Its time that we give him his dues.....because for long he has been unsung....for long he has not been given due recognition...

He is the change and He is the relief from very melodramatic, emotion jaggering lavish films....He is the laughter and He is the force....No wonder only blinds cannot see him but others are joining and cheering him......accolades are only for him....

King Kumar, gud luck to you!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My new girlfriend.....

I was kind of lost somewhere for the past 10 months or so...Stretching myself for work day and night like an "infinitely Flexible"(this flexible word frustrates me like anything )rubber strip..Only someone very close to me, someone who is there for me all the time, who I can touch whenever my fingers want to; could help me in coming out of this deep slumber. Yes, she is my new girlfriend, hot and super cool at the same time, my HP Pavilion dv6767 TX notebook!!!
Thanks to my dear sweetheart i can now keep posting my thoughts anytime i feel like.
Hope she sticks with me for at least 5 years before I dump her for someone else!!